With Pitzer Since: 1991
Field Group: Environmental Analysis
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
PhD, University of Hawaii at Manoa
MA, Stanford University
BA, Pitzer College
Cultural ecology, ecological design, the ecology of expressive culture, Aboriginal Australia
Environmental Awareness and Responsible Action (EA46)
A Sense of Place (EA48)
Exhibiting Nature (EA63)
Visual Ecology (EA65)
Ethnoecology (EA68)
Restoring Nature: The Pitzer Outlook (EA131)
The Desert as a Place (EA140)
Progress and Oppression: Ecology, Human Rights, and Development (EA141)
Theory and Practice in Environmental Education (EA146)
Community, Ecology, and Design (EA147)
Ecology and Culture Change (EA149)
Critical Environmental News (EA150)
Worldview and Natural History (EA179)
Review of Roots of the Savage Mind by M. Meschiari, in Quaderni di Semantica, vol.24, no.1 (2010).
“Comments: Notes on Memetics,” Rock Art Research:The Journal of the Australian Rock Art Research Association, vol. 26, No. 1 (2009).
Quoted in March 2010, “Sustainability Isn’t Merely Academic,” in the Los Angeles Times
Quoted in April 2010, “A Surprising Landscape at Pitzer,” in Pacific Horticulture
Studio and on-site interview, NBC 4 News Los Angeles, Extra; expanded feature on Pitzer’s green residence halls
“Oodles of Doodles?: Doodling Behaviour and Its Implications for Understanding Palaeoarts,” Rock Art Research:The Journal of the Australian Rock Art Research Association, vol.25, no.1 (May 2008). With Ben Watson, John L. Bradshaw, J.B. Deregowski, Livi Dobrez, James Harrod, B. James, Derek Hodgson, Paul Tacon, and Robert G. Bednarik.
Professor Faulstich was part of a group exhibition, The Artist’s Eye, at Hillcrest Gallery in La Verne, CA. from July through September 2019.
“What Happens When a Brush Fire Burns College Property? The Students Get a Living Laboratory,” in Golden Green, KCET.org, September 12, 2013.
Professor Faulstich was quoted and referenced in the Los Angeles Times (“Pitzer College, Robert Redford Form Conservancy,” November 20, 2012), PGA Green (“Pitzer College Launches Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability,” December 8, 2012), KNBC News (“Redford Conservancy to ‘Reinvent’ Way We Live,” November 11, 2012), and La Nueva Voz (“Touring the Pitzer Outback,” December 27, 2012).
“Beyond Earthworks: Ecological Restoration as a Foundational Art,” paper presented at the Foundations in Art: Theory and Education (FATE) Biennial Conference, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA, April 2013.
“Building a Higher Education: Sustainability in the Curriculum and on Campus,” keynote address presented at the Environmental Education Alliance Conference, Savannah, GA, March 2012.
“Beyond Assessment: Solutions-Driven Environmental Research,” paper presented at the 18th International, Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment, Portland, ME, June 2012.
“Diversity and Sustainability in Post-Industrial Society,” Keynote Address, the 17th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment, Kona, HI, June 2011.
“Human Ecology Perspectives on Sustainability,” paper presented at the East-West Center’s 50th international conference, Honolulu, HI, July 2010.
Panel chair, “Islands, Oceans and Sustainability,” the East-West Center’s 50th international conference, Honolulu, HI, July 2010.
Recipient, Journal of Rock Art Research Award of Appreciation for 20 years of service on the Editorial Board, 2013.
Grant from the Dean Witter Foundation for Ecological Restoration and Environmental Education at Pitzer College. 2012-2013.
Edison International Grant for Excellence in Higher Education for the Leadership in Environmental Education Partnership (LEEP), a component of The Claremont Educational Partnership. 2012-2013.
Excellence in Design Award; Sustainable Landscaping, City of Claremont, 2011.
Principal Investigator/Project Coordinator, Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Grant to develop an academic program on Sustainability and the Built Environment, 2011-2014.
Member, Fulbright National Screening Committee: Australia, 2010-present.